I am now trying to connect the box to the EFIS in the plane.
Pin 2 EFIS RX. Can this be pin be shared with another device that get EFIS RX?
What does EFIS /Display TX do ? I don't have a display is this a needed connection ?
OAT analog ? There OAT data on the Advance Flight EFIS data . Can this be used instead ?
I see that GPS is not required is some advantage to using it.
Yes you can share the Efis output between devices.
Efis TX doesn't do anything.
Display TX sends 10Hz data to the M5 display, or Vern's HuVVer display. You can use either the RS232 output for this or TTL, selectable from the Wifi configuration interface.
There's an OAT analog input, but we don't actually have code to read it yet. OAT from the Efis data is being logged if it's being sent. AFS does send it.
GPS data parsing isn't implemented, because we're not using GPS for anything. Yet.
Note that the actual AOA signal is only based on the dynamic and AOA pressures from the pitot probe. Even the static pressure sensor has no effect on the AOA signal. All the other stuff (including Efis data) is there to help calibrate it and to support the internal AHRS, which is also there for calibration. That said, all the data that we collect is also really useful for flight testing.