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What is the glide ratio during turnback etc on the "reference" rv4?
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Feb 11, 2022
It's about 12:1 (light weight, fixed pitch prop). Actually, for turnback performance, the climb angle to glide angle ratio is what's important--if it's greater than 1, you can generally turnback after reaching minimum turnback altitude. Since the -4 has such low power loading and good climb performance, it's got a fairly low minimum turnback altitude. The great maneuverability helps. You are correct: when I say "energy looks good" it's just an indication I've got a warm fuzzy that I'll make the field. With power available, an "on speed" condition is also neutral excess specific power, so thrust and drag are balanced for a given weight (gross weight x G). An on speed glide is actually maximum endurance glide. So in those sense as well, "energy" is good. In other words, your prosaic understanding as well as your observation are correct. The RV-4 has almost no natural stall warning at low G, and limited buffet even at high G. The progressive stall warning the system provides is outstanding. The nice thing about an RV, is if the stall doesn't result in a departure (spin), recovery is prompt. In a loaded turn, there is a distinct loss of lateral stability. I can't offer any gyro plane advice or opinon--well outside my field of expertise; but sure seems interesting! The "eyes out" functionality of the aural cues is really outstanding. Once you get used to flying with this much alpha/energy feedback, you feel naked in an airplane without it. We've noticed that as folks transition to alpha for approach and landing, one of the first things they realize is that they were carrying too much energy (airspeed) when they were only referencing the airspeed indicator. I sure appreciate the note, Vac
Anyone have a spare Gen2 for sale
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Fly OnSpeed project parts available free to builders in Europe
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